DoN’t jUdGe mE! tHe biBLe sAyS nOt tO jUdGe!

No it doesn’t. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

It seems like its become increasingly popular for people to claim that it’s not right to judge people. That judgement or judging people is wrong. What’s worse is that they then attempt to use the bible in an effort to reinforce their position. It’s practically become common place in society to believe that we aren’t supposed to judge. And it’s always stuck me as odd, because the bible is literally FILLED with Judgement.



Filled with examples of when, where, and how to judge. In fact, the bible actually advocates for judgement. Because RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT actually SAVES LIVES. 

Proverbs 31:9 – “Open thy mouth, JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY, and plead the cause of the poor and needy”

Leviticus 19:15 – “Ye shall do no unrighteousness in judgement: thou shalt not respect the person of the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty; but IN RIGHTEOUSNESS SHALT THOU JUDGE THY NEIGHBOUR”

Zechariah 7:9 – “Thus speaketh the Lord of hosts, saying EXECUTE TRUE JUDGEMENT, and shew mercy and compassions every man to his brother”

Isaiah 1:17 – “Learn to do well; SEEK JUDGEMENT, relieve the oppressed, JUDGE the fatherless, PLEAD for the widow”

Even the most misquoted scripture: Matthew 7:1-3 which starts with “Judge not”, isn’t claiming that judgement is wrong, it’s simply telling you to not be hypocritical in your judgement. Which people would actual get if they continued to read the entire thing in its context. 



So what gives? Why do so many Christians and Unbelievers subscribe to a politically correct mantra that isn’t really based in reality OR scripture? I’ve pondered this. One explanation is that they’re just ignorant of scripture and too stupid to bother to look something up before repeating something. I mean, people chant stupid things all the time, right? So that kinda makes sense that they’d repeat the idiotic sayin of, “Don’t judge me! The bible says not ta judge!”. But I think it’s deeper than that.

Righteous Judgement EXPOSES sin. It EXPOSES the things we do in life that are dumb or that cause pain. It puts a spotlight on the things in our life that are imperfect and in need of change. To silence that judgement is to keep that need of change hidden and stifles growth. It takes light, true LIGHT on a person or situation to get true growth. So the easiest way to prevent that from happening is to simply condemn the people who are attempting to shed that positive light on a person or given situation, simply telling them to SHUT UP! And that’s all that “dOn’T juDgE mE” bs is. It’s just a way for shitty people who are doing shitty things and behaving shittily to avoid being held responsible and actually avoid changing their shitty behavior.

Having righteous judgement, which is what the bible ACTUALLY teaches, saves lives and protects people from doing stupid things. See, with righteous judgment, I can look at someone who has fried their brain on meth and recognize that using meth is probably a bad idea and not take meth. Get it? 

The bible does not say to not judge. The bible teaches people to have righteous judgment. It teaches you to judge properly. So the next time you hear someone say, “I know we’re not supposed ta judge”, or “Don’t judge me!” – CORRECT THEM. Point out the stupidity of their statement. Share the truth of this blog to them. Let them know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT is the very essence of the grace we’ve all been given that literally pulls us out of the darkness and puts us on the path of peace.

The world NEEDS righteous judgement


DON’T let the LIE of “Not judging” keep one more person buried in a pit of misery and pain. Tell them the truth of their behavior or situation and give them a heads-up of what will happen if they continue in it. Give them the chance to correct things and change. JUDGE them Righteously. Share the truth, spread the message!

Copyright©2024 Jacob C. Larson All Rights Reserved

***We live in a world that is surrounded by judgement. Every thing we do, every thing we say, is brought into judgement in some way. So much so that now even the things we post on Social Media can affect whether or not we get a job. So it’s somewhat ignorant to claim that we shouldn’t be judged. And sure, God IS the ultimate judge; but no princess…God isn’t the ONLY one that can judge you. Not by a long shot. 

****Having sound judgment and making righteous judgments is important. Which one of the many reasons I always talk about having discernment and following the leading of the Holy Spirit. If you’re a non-believer and those concepts scooby you, no worries, reading and studying different subjects kinda helps people grasp different concepts. Perhaps it’ll be the same for you? Until then, those things exist and the employ of them tend to provide what is needed for people to make good decisions and sound judgement. 

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