Type Eight: The Challenger.

The need to be strong. Type eights are the animals of the nine enneagram types. They tend to be unpolished and primal in their pursuits. They are cold and calculated. Quick to speak their mind; unafraid of the consequences of what comes out of their mouth.

They are brutal in their approach. Unforgiving in their response. It’s not that they don’t know the fervor in which they are received; they simply don’t care. They feel justified. Especially if they are defending something or someone. Type eights are the fighters.

They fight with everything. From sunrise to sunset. Type eights thrive off of conflict. They don’t shy away from it. They aren’t afraid of it. If they perceive an ounce of fear within themselves, they consider it a weakness, and immediately reject it. Type eights are all for the “odds” being stacked against them. The thought of facing an impossible to beat opponent or battle appeals to them. They will gladly rise to the occasion; claiming, “It’s a good day to die”. History shows them as those that will rush into battle welcoming the prospect of death. Type eights don’t like to show weakness.

Their saving grace, is their inherent need to protect what they deem as, “The innocent”; or what they feel is the “weaker” among them. Type eights will fight to the death to protect the ones they love. Those that have managed to become a part of their “circle”. Their “circle” is often small. Type eights are suspicious of “new” people. Often rejecting people upon introduction.

Type eights can often be perceived as a “Bull in a china closet”. They have a strong sense of justice. It’s not uncommon for an Eight to claim, “They had it coming”; after committing an offense. Type eights know how to give respect. In fact, for a type eight, affording respect to someone is a big deal. But they are also the first to break that code of respect if they feel it’s warranted. The results of which, are devastating.

Which is why the root sin of a type eight is: Shamelessness. They have no shame in their offenses; and they should. The devastation caused by a negative eight is almost unforgivable. They can strip away a persons trust, self-esteem, and security, in one well placed breath. Truly, they ARE the worst of the nine enneagram types to deal with when they are angry. A negative eight has no verbal or physical governor. Any “push back”, in an effort to defend yourself, simply encourages them. There is no “respecter of persons” with an Eight.

Type eights need to rein themselves in. They need to remember to give quarter to those they’ve sworn to protect. Breath. Allow God to redeem them in mercy; and be willing to show the people around them mercy. Mercy is the word of freedom for Type Eights. Mercy. They need to always show it. Honor the respect of others. Understand there is NOTHING that anyone can do that warrants the rage of a type eight. Nothing. Only through the true understanding of the grace and mercy of Christ, can type eights fully grasp the responsibility they have, the care they should have, of those around them.

Some suggested study scriptures for type eights would be: Matthew 9:13, Ephesians 2:4-5, Psalms 51:1-2, Micah 7:18, Matthew 6:14, Psalms 25:6-7, Psalms 112:5, Romans 5:15, Psalms 40:11, Psalms 130:1-2, 2 Corinthians 12:9, Nehemiah 9:31, Isaiah 55:7, Micah 6:8.


Copyright©2019 Jacob C. Larson All Rights Reserved

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